The home screen of the Research to Action Compass, showing a decorative modern illustration

Research to Action Compass

The Research to Action Compass is a tool for researchers to find opportunities for engagement in society and politics. After a brief survey, users are offered various options that align with their respective situations. They also have the possibility to filter these suggestions.

Project features:

  • Interactive App
  • Science
  • Online Survey
Show AppResearch to Action Compass
Three screens of the “Research to Action Compass” tool. The first screen shows a spider graph with five axis and a slider to adjust their values. The second screen compares the values the user entered earlier with those of a support service on a similar graph. The third, lists available support services for users to explore.
A card educating the user over the advantages of seeing the impact of your goals. On the left, a graphic shows the score of this practice, using the criterias "Resources", "Scope", "Novelty", "Reach" and "Timeframe".
The catalogue section of the website shows interactive cards of the available support services, which you can click on to learn more. Above it, a filter can be used to filter these cards by categories and give various options to sort them.